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Q: What tools did the southeast native Americans use to build their shelter?
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What are the two uses the Native Americans had for bark from the birch tree?

"Bark" Or as they say, Has Been useful to the Native Americans. They Use it for Medicine, Fireplaces, and Building Houses. And so Bark has help the Native Americans in Living and in Culture.

Desert Southwest native Americans shelter?

The name of the shelters that the Southwest Native Americans used was called adobe. Adobe was a building built out of clay, straw and animal feces. Together, these were combined to form brick which was utilized to build structures.

How did the native Americans build the Stonehenge?

Oh dear ! Methinx someone is having a little dig at our US cousins ! Native Americans & Stonehenge have no connection.

What did native Americans build mounds for?

They were burial

Was the native Americans life hard or easy?

The native Americans life was hard because they had to get food and build homes

What do native Americans build their houses with?

wood and bark

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What did the native Americans build to attempt to halt settlement?

A confederation

What did the native Americans use the California redwood tree for?

Native Americans used redwood trees to make canoes, and build houses.

What were southeast native American adaptations?

Southeast Native Americans adapted to their environment by farming. Due to the weather and the plentiful rainfall, they were able to grown better and more plentiful crops than those in other areas could. Since they were able to grow more crops, and had longer hunting seasons, they were able to build permanent structures to live in.

Where native Americans build a large structurein IL?

St. Luis

Did Native Americans build mounds?

Not all mounds built by Native Americans contain human remains.