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The Egyptians used tools like spears, nets, and knives to hunt. These tools were often made from stone or from metal and mounted on wooden sticks.

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Spears, javelins, bows and arrows, slings and stones, nets, harpoons, fishing poles.

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He used Carved Stones and Sharp Hoods.

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Q: What tools did people use in the bronze age for hunting?
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People who combined copper and tin to make tools are said to have entered the?

Bronze Age.

What kinds of tools did people make during the bronze age?

stone tools.

What is a good sentence with the word Bronzeage?

The Bronze Age marked a significant advancement in human history with the widespread use of bronze tools and weapons.

What came first the stone age or the bronze age?

The difference between the Stone and Bronze Age is that during the Stone Age, people used stone to make tools and weapons. During the Bronze Age, people used bronze to make tools and jewelry. In the Bronze Age, the first metal that people used to make tools and jewelry was copper.

What came after the stone age people?

After the Stone Age, people entered the Bronze Age, characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons. This was followed by the Iron Age, during which iron tools and weapons became predominant. Each age marked advancements in technology, social organization, and cultural development.

Period in which bronze tools were made?

The Bronze Age

Did the Neolithic age people make stone tools and weapons?

Yes, people in the Neolithic Age made stone tools and weapons. They used materials like flint, obsidian, and jade to craft tools for farming, hunting, and other daily activities. These tools were vital for their survival and shaped the development of Neolithic societies.

What development marked the end of the Bronze Age?

The development of iron ended the bronze age. The bronze age was calle the bronze age because the main thing used to make tools was bronze, so when they developed iron tools the name changed

What best describes the Bronze Age?

The Bronze Age was a period in human history characterized by the use of bronze for tools, weapons, and other artifacts. It followed the Stone Age and preceded the Iron Age. The development of bronze metallurgy was a significant advancement in technology during this time.

When did the stone age end and why was it over?

The Stone Age ended around 3,000 BCE when metal tools and weapons became popular. The introduction of metal tools, like bronze and iron, improved efficiency and effectiveness in farming, hunting, and warfare, leading to technological advancements that marked the transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.

How did the stone age the bronze age and the iron age get their names?

Because the use of copper, an alloy of copper and tin, was used to greatly enhance societies that used it. They used it for armor, weapons and tools.

What is bronze age known for?

The development of bronze tools as compared to the use of stone tools. Bronze was an advanced methodology using metals.