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Early explorers did not have the same tools we have today. They would have used the sun as a navigational tool along with a compass. They would have had crude maps, boats, sailing winds and even the experience of trackers.

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Q: What tools did early explorers use?
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What tools did the early explorers use?

Clearly, the most important navigational tool available to sailors before was the Stella Maris.

What was early navigational tools of European explorers?

Early navigational tools of European explorers included the compass, astrolabe, and quadrant. These tools helped sailors determine their direction, latitude, and altitude while at sea, making it possible to navigate accurately across oceans.

What were obstacles faced by early European explorers?

poor maps and navigation tools

What navigational tools did early explorers use?

Early explorers primarily used tools such as compasses, astrolabes, and maps. Compasses were used to determine direction, astrolabes to measure the altitude of celestial bodies for navigation, and maps to plan routes and understand geographic features. These tools helped early explorers navigate unknown territories and chart new paths across land and sea.

Why did the early explorers use maps?

Early explorers used maps to navigate unknown territories, keep track of their locations, plan their routes, and discover new lands. Maps were essential tools for them to understand the world around them and effectively embark on their exploration journeys.

Why did explorers use tools?

they aren't paid well explorers, so they can not afford to hire a tradie!

Why were early explorers and cartographers fascinated by continental coastlines?

The early Spanish explorers were looking for Silver and Gold!early explorers set out to find new land for the rest of their tribesthe natives taught early explorers about how to use herbs for medicine

What would explorers use as a toilet?

early explorers used the ground or a hole in the ground.

What navigatin tools did explorers use in the 1500's?

Astrolabes, maps

What tools did explorers from long ago use since there were no maps?

They made their own maps.

What weapons did the early explorers use?

cannon, swords etc. (NOT SURE)

Which winds did early explorers prefer to use in their travels?

trade winds. :]