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Q: What time of the year was Roger Williams kicked out of massechuesettes bay colony?
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What colony was set up by Roger Williams after he got kicked out of Massachusetts?

Roger Williams

Who got kicked out of the puritans colony?

Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts for spreading "new and dangerous rumors".

Why was Roger Williams kicked out of the colony?

Roger Williams left the Massachusetts colony over religious differences. He felt they were intolerant and proceded to found Rhode Island.

What colony were roger Williams and anne hutchison kicked out of?

Rhode Island

Roger Williams and Rhode Island?

Roger Williams created the colony of Rhode Island because he was kicked out of the plymouth conlony

Did the Puritans found Massachusetts Bay Colony before or after Williams founded Providence Rhode Island?

The Puritans colonized and kicked Roger Williams out of their community. Then Roger Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island.

Why did Thomas Hooker and roger Williams leave the Massachusetts colony?

because he got kicked out for havinreligos pelefs

What state did Roger Williams start?

Roger Williams found the Rhode Island Colony because he was a dissenter and he got kicked out of Massachusetts. Now do your social studies homework.

Who was kicked out of the Massachusetts Bay colony for arguing with the church?

Roger Williams, the founder of the Rhode Island and the Baptist Church.

Why did roger Williams establish Rhode Island?

Roger Williams established Rhode Island because he was banished from Massachusetts. Roger Williams had spoken out against civil authorities in Massachusetts, which is why he was banished.

Who started Rhode Island and why?

Roger williams started rhode island because he was kicked out of the massachusetts bay colony because of his beliefs

What was the result of Puritan leaders vs roger Williams?

The conflict between Puritan leaders and Roger Williams resulted from Roger Williams belief that the search for truth and liberty would argue the beliefs that would lead to the elect to God. The result of this conflict was Roger Williams got kicked out of the colonies.