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Q: What time do king najashi died?
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Who was An-Najashi?

An-Najashi was an Ethiopian King.

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Who represented Muslims in the court of Najashi?

Hazrat jafar tayyar.

How long did the dynasty of najashi last?

Najashi is the Arabic term for the Negus, a title for kings of Ethiopia. The Negus ruled a unified Ethiopia (Aksum) from the 4th century A.D. until the 1970s, with some periods of disunity between.

How old was king tutankahmen when he died?

King Tutankahmen died between the time he was 18 years old and 19 years old.

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Charles I was King at the time of Newton's birth and George I was the King during the year of his death, which is ironically the year George I died as well?

Which medwhich medieval king died from eating to many eels at one time?

Henry I died from eating an excess of eels, which were a delicacy at the time.

What is King Tutankhamun know for?

he was one of the richest pharoahs of all time He was a young king, and he died young. That's it.

What are some current events in King Tuts time?

He died when he was only 18 and became king at the year of 6

Was the Nijashi king of Habsha became Muslim during his last stage?

Through a reference from a classic book called 'Khatam un Nabayyun' by Imam Muhammad Abu Zahra. (Ist part, Page 408) a letter wrote by Najashi in reply of Prophet (SAW) 's letter he mentioned his Islam very clearly. Najashi also sent two of his nephews(Zunakhtar & Zomkhar) as servants for Prophet (SAW).(reference from As seera Nabawiya Ibn Kasir 2nd part page 30 )

Why did King Tutankhamun rule for the amount of time he did?

King tut ruled for only 9 years before he died unexpectedly.

How many years can a Phoenician king rule?

They were in office from the time of their appointment to the time they died or were removed for any reason.