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You had to do stuff.

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Q: What time did a villein go to work in medieval ages?
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What do you call the poor in a medieval village?

Peasants, commoners, villein, farmer, peon, or slave. It depends on what work they did.

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What is a villein?

In the Middle Ages, a villein was a peasant who, under the feudal system of land tenure that prevailed in Europe in the Middle Ages, paid dues and services to a lord in exchange for land. Villeins were not slaves, and were named as freemen and freewomen in medieval documents, however they were not free. They, and their land and possessions belonged to the lord of the manor. They were not free to leave the manor, and they were subject to a very large number of obligations required by the lord, including work on the lord's land two or three days a week, additional work at harvest, and the payment of manorial dues. In lots of places they also had to pay for the right to brew ale, bake bread, and grind corn at the mill, that was probably owned by the lord.

Did the Queens in the Medieval ages do work like peasants did?

Never. That is what peasants were for.

What was a job of a villein?

They were to work for their lord/lady.

What was Week work in medieval times?

Week work was what villein's had to weekly for the lord of the village

What did villains do for the lord?

First off it's villein. They would work the Lord of the Manor's land. A villein and his family would have a little bit of land for themselves too. If you were a villein, you were at the bottom of the feudal system; it would be very hard for a villein to move up the system.

What does a villein do?

work on agricultural estate, alternative name: serf

What was expected of a villein?

they had to work for their lord 3 days a week

What work did the lords and ladies do in the medieval ages?

To eat and to reproduce, simple as that. To eat and to reproduce, simple as that.

Were there dentists in the Medieval Times?

In the Middle Ages, dental work was done by barbers and general physicians. Given the state of European medicine of the time, I am not sure which I would choose.

How did you get your job in the medieval ages?

Most people followed the same line of work as their parents. Some were apprenticed.