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Q: What three principles stated in the declaration of independence were generally agreed upon by the constituions framers?
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What 3 vice presidents signed the declaration of independence?

The first person to sign the Declaration of Independence, written to declare independence from Britain, was John Hancock. DID YOU KNOW...? People now call a persons signature their John Hancock because, when Hancock signed the document, he wrote it so big "so that the king can read it without aid of spectacles".John Hancock is generally regarded as the first signer of the Declaration of Independence.Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Steven Harper

Who are 'one people' in the first paragraph of the declaration of independence?

The correct term is "We the people," and it does not come from the Declaration of Independence at all, but from the US Constitution. The meaning of the phrase is open to discussion by many historians. Just as "All men are created equal," is a quote often interpreted as meaning only men, not women, "We the people," could mean the founding fathers, or the nation as a whole. It is generally interpreted as the nation as a whole, however, which would not include the modern 50 states, only the colonies of the time.

How did neighboring Arab nations respond to the Israeli declaration of independence?

Answer #1:i think with support.Answer #2:They responded with an organized invasion of the new state by their massedarmies, with the declared intention of overrunning it, filling it with piles of deadJews, adding its postage-stamp-sized parcel of land to their own vast territories,and generally keeping the Middle East in a Judenrein status.

Where did the pioneers start traveling on the Oregon trail?

Independence/Kansas City, Missouri is the generally accepted starting point.

What reason best explains why Jefferson attributed so many objectionable actions to King George the third in the Declaration of Independence?

During the Founding Period of American History, Thomas Jefferson and other Founders blamed the King of Great Britain for the problems that caused the Revolution and the American Declaration, etc., for two reasons. First, King George was in fact a known belligerent in the affair, who was generally hostile to the American cause. Second, the position of 'king' was of great symbolic value for all concerned: for the Americans, it represented the corrupt and absolute rule, even tyrannical control from afar, that they were determined to overthrow.

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Is the 14th amendment in the Declaration of Independence?

No. It is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1865), known generally as the "equal protection clause".

What theory of government and revolution underlies the declaration of independence?

Federal Republic. The Founders had a different conception of and generally disliked democracy.

Explain why the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are generally considered to be the greatest documents in America and World History?

The Declaration of Independence was risky because it basically called out the greatest country in the world at the time on their tyranny. The Constitution outlined the freedom that every American citizen now enjoys.

How can you use draft in a history sentence?

A draft is something that is generally a preliminary writing. For example, "The first draft of the Declaration of Independence had many errors".

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Why is the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution generally considered to be the greatest documents in America and World History?

well i think it is because we infulenced the writng of every decocratic government ecxcept for France

How was the declaration received by the colonists?

That depends on if the colonist was a self-proclaimed loyalist or patriot. The Declaration of Independence was generally well received by patriots as they wished to separate from England. Loyalists who stood by the king either disapproved or hated it. If the colonist was not sided, it is unclear how they might react.

When did the colonies become free?

It varies for all of them but generally decolonization occurred after the second world war.

Did Thomas Jefferson have anything to do with the framing of the Constitution?

Thomas Jefferson was not present at the First Consititutional Congress, where the present day United States Constitution was drafted and written, he was in Paris. He is credited for being the main author of the Declaration of Independence

A common set of accounting standards and procedures are called?

GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles