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well I would put food guns for protection and a tv for the wounded soldgers and bathrooms also mounted machine guns facing the out side if you need to know more play all call a duty.

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A blanket, some food and a pillow.

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Q: What things would you take into an air raid shelter?
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How would you get to the air raid shelter when a siren goes off?

Get out of the house, take my air raid mask with me if i have one, go outside in the streets and look for shelter signs to find a shelter.

How would you take cover if you were not near a shelter when an air raid sounded?

you would run for your life

How you would take cover if you were not near a shelter when an air raid is sounded?

i will run as fastback to my house

What did you need to take to an air raid shelter?

You needed to take a gas mask in case their was a gas attack.

Why were air raid sirens important?

Because they gave people some warning and therefore time to take shelter

Where else could londoners take shelter at night in World War 2?

The Londoners could have Anderson or Morrison Shelters set up at their homes to take shelter in during the Blitz. There were public places for them to use and the Air Raid Wardens helped everyone get to a shelter.

What precautions did a householder take to protect his family or property during an air raid in world war 2?

Build a (what is today) a bomb shelter or some kind of Reinforced Celler and put his family and himself in it.

What to take into a Anderson shelter now?

Any Anderson air-raid shelters (still surviving from the second World War) is probably used as a garden shed nowadays.

What do the air raid sirens signify?

Air raid sirens signify an emergency situation, such as an imminent attack or a natural disaster, where people need to take immediate shelter and follow safety procedures. They are used to alert the public and ensure a quick response to potential danger.

Who would you take into a bomb shelter?

The number one thing I'd take into a bomb shelter is a Gas mask because when it's time to get out of the bomb shelter I'd won't be able to breath with out it

Why do cheetahs need shelter to survive?

All living things need shelter. Shelter from predators, harsh temperatures, and shelter is a place to stay.

Where does the daddy long legs take shelter or what does it use to make a shelter or even where can it take shelter?

they take shelter in your ear... good luck