not necessarily sometimes it creates force sometimes not
It is changing force
Force is what puts things in motion. When a force is applied to an object, it can accelerate and start moving. This force can come from a push, a pull, or other interactions between objects.
The force that pulls things forward is called "thrust."
balanced force is when things are balanced.
Yes, objects with greater mass have a stronger gravitational force. The force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass of the objects involved. So, bigger things with more mass will have a greater gravitational force compared to smaller things.
things stay where they are by no force acting on it
the force
Source not force.
An imaginary force that made things alive.
If there was no force then there would be no balance to keep things in place
not necessarily sometimes it creates force sometimes not
It is changing force
Gravitational force (or gravity) is a force that pulls things together.