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Q: What the swastika dots means?
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What does the nazi simbol means?

Hitler took the Swastika from Hindu mythology. It symbolizes peace and prosperity. Ironic, no?

What does the word swastika means?

good fortune

What does the swastika mean in Nepal?

In Nepal, the swastika is a symbol of good fortune. The word "swastika" comes from Sanskrit, and means "all is well." The swastika is important to Nepalese Hindus and Buddhists, whose gods can often be seen holding swastikas.

What early Christian figure is associated with the swastika?

not early christians, but pagan synbol of sun - swastika. And it means circle of life also.

Why do Hindus use a symbol similar to the Nazi sign?

The swastika was used by the Hindus to represent 'Peace' long before there were any Nazis. The Nazi swastika is usually drawn the other way round without dots in the spaces. As Hitler was a fascist, he took the idea from the Hindu sign. he switched it over and removed the dots, it was made to represent the complete opposite of peace.

What was the symbol for Hitler?

The swastika.

Why does the letters j and you have dots on the top?

It means i typed two dots

What is the purpose of Swaskita?

don't you mean the swastika? the swastika was the nazi symbol. don't you mean the swastika? the swastika was the nazi symbol.

What was the symbol of Hitler's political party?

The symbol of Hitler's political party, the Nazis, was the swastika.

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word ts lav?

tslav (צלב) means either "cross" or "swastika"

What does a swastika symbolize?

A Swastika is the symbol for Nazi Germany.