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Property, baby-makers, gratification, and the occasional monarch.

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Q: What the role of women in the 1400?
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Famous women during the 1400's?

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What was the fashion of the 1400's?

The women in the 1400's wore mainly robes and dresses.

What are role of women?

the role of women was to take care of children.

A company employs 3600 men and 1400 women What percentage of the company is female?

This is a simple percentage question. You take 1400 and divide it by the total number of employees (1400 + 3600 = 5000), then multiply by 100%. The answer is 28%.

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There was no role of women in French Revolution.

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Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind, of course.

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the role of women in 1838 was to stay home and clean

What role did the women have in the French Revolution?

the women had a great role in the french revolution for there rights

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The triple role of women: reproductive, productive, and community.

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