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Q: What the glorification of war which led to aggressive preparedness?
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What was the glorification of war and military?

The glorification of war is, the best way of describing the tragety of war. It's similar to the fact of military.

What is Glorification of the military and a readiness for war?


Which term means the glorification of the military and readiness for war?


What does glorify war means?

I'm rather sure the term is Militarism, which means the glorification of armed strength and war.

Who transformed a defense of American commerce into an aggressive blockade and bombardment in the War with Tripoli and he trained and inspired young officers who led the Navy in the War of 1812?

Edward Preble

Transformed a defense of American commerce into an aggressive blockade and bombardment in the War with Tripoli He trained and inspired young officers who led the Navy in the War of 1812?

Edward Preble

What are the features of war poetry?

Two main features of poetry are a)glorification b)denouncement

Transformed a defense of American commerce into an aggressive blockade and bombardment in the War with Tripoli. He trained and inspired young officers who led the Navy in the War of 1812.?

Edward Preble

How did aggressive nationalism push France and Germany to the brink of war in the early 1900s?

Aggressive nationalism pitted France and Germany against each other, and against the rest of Europe. Because they were too overbearing, they angered other countries, and brought about resentment, which eventually led to war.

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Fear of Communist expansion

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What Athens Golden Age flowered shortly after the?

Peace with Persia. Athens spent the war funds on its own glorification.