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US General William Sherman learned of the new commander of the Southern Army of Tennessee, John Hood and expected a tough campaign on his way to Atlanta. Despite Sherman's good judgment, he met little resistance from Confederate forces. As the end of July, 1864 approached, he gave thought that the Confederate forces were to evacuate Atlanta without a fight.

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Q: What the expectations of Union General William Sherman after the appointment of Confederate General John Hood?
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What Confederate general surrendered to General William T Sherman in Atlanta in September 1864?

No Confederate General surrendered the City of Atlanta to Sherman's Union forces. The Confederate forces under Hood evacuated the city in September 1864. General Sherman in turn evacuated the city after burning it in November of that year, returning it to Confederate control.

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General William T. Sherman was a general leading Union troops.

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John Bell Hood

Was William Sherman a confederate army general?

No. A Union General, and trusted friend and colleague of U.S.Grant.

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Was General William Sherman part of the Union Army or Confederate Army?

William T. Sherman was a leader of Union soldiers.

What advantage did Union General Sherman have over Confederate General Johnston in the Georgia campaign of 1864?

General Sherman began his campaign into Georgia with 100,000 troops. His Confederate opponent, General Joseph Johnston commanded only 50,000 troops.

How did Union General Sherman find out that Confederate General Joseph Johnston was being replaced?

In mid-July of 1864, Union General William Sherman was headquartered outside of Atlanta. There a Union spy informed him that Confederate General Joseph Johnston was being replaced with General John Bell Hood. Sherman knew little about Hood, except that he lost a leg at the Battle of Chickamauga.

What important confederate city was burnt to the ground by General Sherman's army?

Atlanta, GA

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Major General William T. Sherman