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The opinion today is that there is no significant difference. True intelligence can't really be defined. There happens to be a demand on technology, so right now, that has a hand in what intelligence is. In the past it was something different. Whites can be intelligent. Blacks, when invested in the way that most whites are (look at educational funding differences between the two) are intelligent.


sorry but opinion and personal desire can not influence facts.

Skin colour is not the only difference between blacks and whites as fur isn't the only difference between tigers and lions who are the same as blacks and whites or asians.Different races of the same species.

According to the man (James Watson) that made the most important discovery in genetics(DNA) and a nobel prize winner the answer is yes.

Now its really simple.Blacks have higher levels of testosterone which means better muscles and their babies are borned 1 week earlier and have more advanced bone structure than whites or asians.Whites and Asians emigrated from Africa and while on the move they needed better planning and sacrificed testosterone for inteligence.''Get something for something else'' in common in the animal kingdom its called adaptation--

Hearing for eyesight, inteligence for testosterone, speed for brute strenght, quick bursts vs endurance.(slow twitch muscles (that whites have more than blacks) vs fast twitch muscle (that is abundant in blacks)

Studies showed that the most inteligent are asians.IQ tests and brain size demonstrate the accurate claims of James Watson.

Now you wanted an answer and i delivered one backed up by scientific studies.Not personal opinion about how i or anybody wants to be.

Race denial is an ideology like racism itself.We are humans and we should respect our differences not hide them.

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People were different then. Blacks didn't have the same rights. Blacks couldn't go to the same school, restaurant, drink the same fountain etc. Now they do, thanks to Rosa Parks, MLK and others. They passed that law with the Civil Rights Movement.

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Q: What the difference between black people and white people in America?
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