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It enabled Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which kept Britain and France out of the war. It meant that the Union armies would only have to face the dwindling numbers of the Confederates alone.

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Q: What the Battle of Antietam meant for the Union Army in the future?
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The Battle of Antietam was a turning point in the war because of the threat of?

The Union feared Great Britain and France would recognise the Confederate States as a sovereign nation and intervene on their behalf. This meant these two countries would increase their aid to the South and raised the very real prospect of them sending troops to the battlefield. Had Lee and his army gained a victory on Union soil these fears would probably have come to pass. At best the battle was a draw. The Union however claimed Antietam a victory and Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The war took on a new complexion. Not only was it being fought to preserve the Union, but also to end slavery. Lincoln knew Great Britain and France would not fight against the abolition of slavery, thus the threat of foreign intervention disappeared.

Where was Union General James B. McPherson killed?

Union General James B. McPherson was killed in battle outside of Atlanta. His death meant that General Sherman would have to find a replacement for the commander of the Army of the Tennessee.

Who one the Battle of Antietam north or south?

Battle of Antietam (Battle of Sharpsburg) Sep 17 1862 On the day there was no clear winner on the battlefield, even though there were 23,000 casualties. But the strategic winner was the North. General Lee withdrew his troops from Maryland and was never seen there again. President Lincoln also made political capital out of the battle which helped to keep Great Britain out of the war.

What type of battle tactics did Union generals Rosencrans and Burnside share?

Union General William S. Rosencrans was aware of the Burnside defeat in Virginia. Yet, like Burnside, Rosencrans adhere to the belief that a decisive victory in a battle meant an effective offensive. This would result in more errors in tactics as the war continued.

Did the Battle of Antietam raise confederate hopes of victory?

No. It marked the failure of Lee's planned invasion of Pennsylvania, and his army was nearly destroyed. The battle also had a further significance that would lead to Confederate defeat - it gave Lincoln the credibility to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. This meant that Britain and France could not aid the South without looking pro-slavery.

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The Battle of Antietam was a turning point in the war because of the threat of?

The Union feared Great Britain and France would recognise the Confederate States as a sovereign nation and intervene on their behalf. This meant these two countries would increase their aid to the South and raised the very real prospect of them sending troops to the battlefield. Had Lee and his army gained a victory on Union soil these fears would probably have come to pass. At best the battle was a draw. The Union however claimed Antietam a victory and Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The war took on a new complexion. Not only was it being fought to preserve the Union, but also to end slavery. Lincoln knew Great Britain and France would not fight against the abolition of slavery, thus the threat of foreign intervention disappeared.

What battle gave southern states the control of the Mississippi River?

The Siege of Vicksburg. It meant the end of the war in the West. It released the Union troops to go and help at Chattanooga. And it brought great credibility of U.S.Grant, who would become General-in-Chief a few months later.

What is the results of the Battle of Antietam?

The Battle of Antietam, (Battle of Sharpsburg) resulted in not only the bloodiest day of the American Civil War, but the bloodiest single day in all of American history.It was fought primarily on September 17, 1862, between the town of Sharpsburg, Maryland, and Antietam Creek and ended Gen. Robert E. Lee’s first invasion of a northern state. Lee lost the battle.For observers in England and France, the Confederate failure in Maryland meant there would be no quick end to the War, and also meant that the Confederacy would have to get along without any help from their governments. While perhaps only a temporary setback for the Confederates, the battle in fact killed the last hope for foreign intervention on behalf of the rebels. Once Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation no civilized nation would side against the 'defenders of freedom'.

When did the battle of Vicksburg start in the civil war?

The battle of Vicksburg started on may 18, 1863. It is important because it gave the union the ability to control the Mississippi river, which meant that they controlled trade.

When did the war change from a battle over preserving the union to a war to end salary?

I think you meant slavery? The American Civil War was always about preserving the Union. The South wanted a separate state with slavery, the north wanted a union without slavery.

Where was Union General James B. McPherson killed?

Union General James B. McPherson was killed in battle outside of Atlanta. His death meant that General Sherman would have to find a replacement for the commander of the Army of the Tennessee.

What is the future tense of Leace?

There is no verb spelled leace. If you meant lease, the future tense is will lease. If you meant leave, the future tense is will leave.

Who one the Battle of Antietam north or south?

Battle of Antietam (Battle of Sharpsburg) Sep 17 1862 On the day there was no clear winner on the battlefield, even though there were 23,000 casualties. But the strategic winner was the North. General Lee withdrew his troops from Maryland and was never seen there again. President Lincoln also made political capital out of the battle which helped to keep Great Britain out of the war.

What US civil war battle gave the north an advantage?

Vicksburg. No other battle had such a decisive effect on Union fortunes. It meant the liberation of the Mississippi, the ending of the war in the West, and the opportunity for Grant to rescue the Army of the Cumberland in Chattanooga.

What was the name of the Union's aerial spy balloon meant to aid in the Battle of Seven Pines?

The name of the Union;s aerial spy balloon was the Intrepid. The balloon was in the Union;s service but owned by its "pilot" Thaddeus Lowe. The intention was to spy on Confederate positions at the Battle of Seven Pines. Too much wind delayed the flight and then the forests prevented getting a clear view of the battlefield.

What type of battle tactics did Union generals Rosencrans and Burnside share?

Union General William S. Rosencrans was aware of the Burnside defeat in Virginia. Yet, like Burnside, Rosencrans adhere to the belief that a decisive victory in a battle meant an effective offensive. This would result in more errors in tactics as the war continued.

What is the Past and future verb of meant?

The past opposite of meant would be meant as in if you were saying " 5 years ago I meant to go to Africa.". And the future would be mean to as if in saying " I'll say I mean to do that."