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The size of the Byzantine Empire varied. Originally it included areas which now are Southern Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria and Greece in the Balkan Peninsula in Europe; Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine in Asia; and Egypt and eastern Libya in North Africa.

The emperor Justinian the Great (reigned 527-65) wanted to recover the lands lost by the fallen western part of the Roman Empire and succeeded in taking much of Italy, the coastal area of Croatia (Dalmatia), Tunisia western Libya, eastern Algeria and part of southern Spain.

After this the Byzantines lost territories. They lost most of mainland Italy to the Lombards (568-72). The territories in southern Spain were completely lost by 624. The territories south of Turkey in Asia and Egypt were lost to the Arabs (636-642). At the same The Slavs overrun the Balkan Peninsula, including much of Greece. The Byzantines managed to recover most of Greece, but not the rest of the Balkans. The Arabs took over the rest of North Africa between 647 and 670. The Byzantine territories in central Italy (the Exarchate of Ravenna) were lost to the Lombards in 751. Sicily was taken over by the Saracens in 827-902. Sardinia was lost to local lords soon afterwards. In 923 The Byzantines ceded the cities in Dalmatia which they controlled to the Kingdom of Croatia. Apulia (the heel of Italy) by was conquered by the Normans in 1059.

The Seljuk Turks invaded most of the area of present day Turkey in 1068 and broke Byzantine resistance in 1071. Finally the Ottoman Turks conquered the remaining Byzantine territories in Europe and then captured Constantinople in 1453.

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12y ago

For a time, parts of Italy & Southern Spain. On a more permanent basis was Turkey, Syria, Israel, and Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Greece should also be added.

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be smart , losser. lolllzzz.

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The main countries were Greece and Turkey

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Q: What territories did the byzantine empire include?
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