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Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, parts of Poland.

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Q: What territories did soviet union gain in the beginning of ww2?
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Romania gain freedom from soviet union?

After the year 1964.

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What did the Soviet Union gain in 1949?

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What advantage did the soviet Union gain from the pact with Germany?

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When did Joesph Stalin gain control of the Soviet Union?

After the death of Lenin

How did German plan to gain control of the soviet union?

in 1940 i think with bombs

How did the October revolution in 1917 change Russia government?

It allowed the Bolshevik socialists to gain power and eventually establish the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union).

When did Azerbaijan gain independe?

It gained independence from the Soviet Union in October 18, 1991 .

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It gained independence from the Soviet Union in October 18, 1991 .

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Romania gain its freedom from the Soviet Union through peaceful discussions.

How did Romania gain its freedom from the Soviet Union through the Romanian president's resignation through peaceful discussions through a violent revolution through the Civic Forum's reform movement?

Romania gain its freedom from the Soviet Union through peaceful discussions.

What was Germany hoping to gain by defeating the soviet union and taking Egypt?

the power of the world and your mom.