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Q: What term was used to describe the rapid increase in troops used in Vietnam and the expansion of bombing into Cambodia by Nixon?
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What countries were part of Indochina?

yes. China, India, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are the main countries of indo china.

French Indochina included what?

Vietnam and Cambodia

What country borders Cambodia and Vietnam?

LAOS is the only country that borders both Cambodia and Vietnam.

Is vietnams capital cambodia?

Cambodia and Vietnam are countries in southeast Asia. Cambodia is bordered by Vietnam to the east. Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia. Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam.

A country near Vietnam and laos?

Philippines i think? --C0mrd3-- Cambodia, China, Thailand and Malaysia are closer to Vietnam and Loas then Philippines.

Which countries included in the french colony of indochina?

Tonkin - in Vietnam Annam - in Vietnam Cochinchina - in Vietnam Cambodia Laos

What country bordered south Vietnam?


What country is directly east of Cambodia?


What event triggered the protest at kent state which resulted in death of four students?

U.S. troops invaded Cambodia.

How did Vietnam war impact Cambodia?

Being so close to Vietnam, Cambodia was able to receive the "over-flow" from it.

What countries borders Laos?

Myanmar, Cambodia,china, thiland,and Vietnam

Who conquered Cambodia?

the french have established cambodia in 802 ad