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Q: What tensions and conflicts in the mid and ndashtwentieth century democratic process did the MFDP expose in its struggle for recognition by the Democratic Party?
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Conflicts between federalist and democratic republicans?

Federalists favored a strong central government and Democratic-Republicans faved states retaining authority.

Why did clinton have conflicts with congress?

Bill Clinton had conflicts with congress because he was a Democratic President and the Republicans controlled Congress. He could get his health care reform bill passed.

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the major issue was that it had no central government and the economy was broke. also they needed more chocolate milk badly

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Yes, Iraq has had periods of democratic governance. Following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, Iraq established a democratic system with multi-party elections. However, the country has faced challenges in consolidating democracy due to ongoing conflicts and political instability.

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The measures taken by election commissioner to make india more democratic included new design of ballots and voting equipment, election monitoring by candidates, political parties, and efficient vote counting procedures.The Measures taken by election commissioner to make india more democratic include prevention of bribery, coercion, and conflicts of interest, new design of ballots, equipment, and much more.

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Democratic Woodrow Wilson was able to win two presidential elections during an era of republican party control because of keeping the US out of war, avoiding conflicts with Germany and Mexico, as well as maintaining a good national policy.

In 1968 Richard Nixon a Republican became President. At that time The Democratic party was facing heavy conflicts including all the following except?

You need to answer this question question because we don’t do homework. You have the list of items.

How successful are countries governed by democratic socialist leaders and if it's successful could it work in the US if Bernie Sanders is elected?

Democratic Socialist countries enjoy a high standard of living. However, they are not known for generating large numbers of smaller businesses or maintaining a high level of economic growth from year to year. So, it depends entirely on how you value success in the United States.As for whether democratic socialism could work in the United States, the idea is definitely scalable. The question is more about whether or not it conflicts with American values of independence and personal responsibility.

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The Democratic Republic of Congo is often considered one of the poorest countries in the world. It faces significant challenges such as high levels of poverty, political instability, and ongoing conflicts that hinder its progress and development.

What political changes took place in the middle east?

Political changes in the Middle East have included uprisings and revolutions, changes in leadership through both democratic and non-democratic means, conflicts and wars leading to shifting alliances and power dynamics, and attempts at political reforms to address grievances and promote stability in the region. These changes have been influenced by a range of factors including domestic politics, regional dynamics, and external interventions.

Is democracy necessary for development in a nation?

Democracy can facilitate development by ensuring good governance, protecting human rights, and promoting economic stability. However, there are instances where countries have developed under non-democratic systems. Ultimately, the relationship between democracy and development is complex, and each country's circumstances play a significant role.

Eriksons lifespan theory proposes that psychosocial development occurs primarily as a result of?

Erikson's lifespan theory proposes that psychosocial development occurs primarily as a result of self-recognition gained through crises or conflicts.