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If you are reffering to when u have to get through the wall, you must activate witch time, then break the wall.

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Q: What tempory witch power does bayonetta have?
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What is temporal witch power on bayonetta?

Temporal Witch Power in Bayonetta allows her to manipulate time, slowing it down to gain an advantage in combat. This ability is represented by the Witch Time mechanic, which is activated by dodging attacks with precise timing. Temporal Witch Power enhances Bayonetta's agility and gives her an edge in challenging battles.

Which game should you get Darksiders of Bayonetta?

bayonetta definetly

When was Bayonetta - character - created?

Bayonetta - character - was created in 2009.

When was Bayonetta created?

Bayonetta was created on 2009-10-29.

What is bayonetta about?

Bayonetta is about a witch that ,after centuries of being in a deep sleep, wakes up in a coffin at the bottom of a lake. She cant remember anything accept that she is a witch that must kill angels on a daily basis to keep her soul. with the help of a mysterious reporter (Luka) and a shady demonic owner of the Hells Gate bar (Rodin) she works to regain her lost memories. travelling to the strange European city of vigrid she in hopes of finding a jewel for her "manager"? Bayonetta often hears a strange voice in her head telling her to find the left eye (the gem). Along the way she meets another witch (Jean) with suspicious objectives and a Little girl (Cereza) who mistakes Bayonetta for her mother. the story quickly unfolds with dramatic and over the top battles between Light and Darkness. Who will win... I guess you'll just have to play the game to find out LOL ^.^ Ta Ta Loves

Who is the voice of bayonetta?

The lovely Hellena Taylor plays the sexy video game character, "Bayonetta." Answer: Daniel Dorn :)

What is the theme song for bayonetta?

The theme song for Bayonetta is called Mysterious DEstiny Please give me a trust point

Is Bayonetta a demon?

Bayonetta is not actually a demon she is an umbran witch but... witches have the power to channel demons through their body with the use of items, chants and movements. ( the enormous monsters are demons and those big hands and feet are demons that Bayonetta is using) witches make a pact with a demon to use magical powers but this means that they will go to hell when they die. =' ( I know this because if you actually play the game it will tell you... I played the PS3 version 100% and got the Platinum trophy! YAYS any way please give me a trust point PLEASE!

When did Bayonetta happen?

The events of the video game "Bayonetta" take place in the fictional city of Vigrid in modern times. The exact year is not specified in the game, but it is set in a contemporary urban setting with supernatural elements.

What are the release dates for Bayonetta 2 - 2014 VG?

Bayonetta 2 - 2014 VG was released on: Japan: 2014 USA: 2014

When is bayonetta PS3 out?

it's out in 1.5.2010

How does bayonetta turn into a panther on the xbox 360?

To turn into a panther in bayonetta, You must tap the R trigger twice quickly while running. The same goes for Jeannes Lynx.