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Q: What temples did Malcolm X preach black pride in?
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What was Malcolm X legacy?

Speaking broadly, Malcolm X left behind some key lessons on black identity. He exposed the weaknesses of peaceful protest and was an advocate of black people improving their economic situation through their own means. A good example of this would be the sickle-cell-anemia clinics in the poorest areas of the United States, which were funded and run by the black community. It's this legacy of self-determination and pride that is still strongly felt today.

What is the name of the book written by Malcom X?

Malcolm X wrote an autobiography titled, 'The Autobiography of Malcolm X', which was published in 1965. It is a spiritual conversion narrative that covers topics such as black pride and the act of bringing the people of Africa together. The Autobiography of Malcom X has been published and translated into many languages including German, French, and Arabic.

Why do people prefer Malcolm X is methods than martin Luther king?

Malcom x gave us pride in our selves !...king did'nt do that...he was a christian !...and guess who inslave us !...christians ! pastor were the first sale outs !...and they still are today

Why did Malcolm X say 'Black is beautiful'?

Malcolm X did NOT first say the famous quote, "Black is Beautiful".The phrase "Black is Beautiful" first came from the 1960s writings of SteveBiko, of South Africa, who was part of the "Black Consciousness Movement". In his book, 'I Write What I Like', Mr. Biko explained the meaning behind his slogan as this: "man, you are okay as you are, begin to look upon yourself as a human being."The politics of the Black Panthers and the sermons of Malcolm X made the expression more widely known in the USA, and most people wrongly attribute the quote to Malcolm X."Black is Beautiful" was a rallying cry, a movement against the idea that Blacks have less attractive or desirable characteristics and to discourage changing the natural African features. The slogan intended to discourage people from feeling they needed to change by:bleaching/whitening their skinstraightening their hairhaving plastic surgery to make a narrower noseThe slogan was meant to create self pride and pride within the race,so people (especially girls and women) did not continue to feel they needed to alter their physical being just to fit in. They called this an internalized racism that Blacks carried inside and needed to end.See Related Link

What are some of Mesopotamia landmarks?

Hanging Gardens of Babylonia were extremly important because it showed the pride babylonia had over many conquered nation now united as one creating a empire. Ziggurats were important because they were pyramid like buildings that were used as temples to pray and make offerings to their gods.

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Malcolm x who founded the organization for afro-american unity in 1963 was a leading spokesman for?

black pride

Malcolm x who founded the organization for Afro American unity in 1963 was leading spokesman for?

For Black Rights/Pride.

Was Malcolm x a leading spokesman for black rights black service or black pride?

Malcolm X was a leading spokesman for black rights, black pride, and black self-determination. He advocated for the empowerment, self-defense, and liberation of Black people in America. He played a crucial role in raising awareness about racial injustices, challenging white supremacy, and promoting Black nationalism.

What did the temples and places of ancient civilizations attempt to reflect?

Temples and palaces were sources of pride for the city. Massive temples were built for religious worshipping. The large size of the sculptures inspired common people. :D

While in prison which group did Malcolm X join?

He joined the Nation of Islam while in prison.

Did Malcolm X help segregaton?

If anything he encouraged segregation, believing that Black people should not integrate into White society, which he saw as corrupt and dangerous. He believed in improving the situation in Black ghettos by encouraging racial pride and unity.

What inspired Malcolm X?

Malcolm X was inspired by the leader of the Nation of Islam: Elijah Muhammad (October 7, 1897 - February 25, 1975)

Was Malcolm X the leading spokes man for black rights black service or black pride?

Malcolm X spoke about civil rights in the North. He believed in black and white separatism, meaning that black and white societies should not be integrated, though they should be equal. After a trip to Mecca (because he was an Islamic Muslim), he changed his mind after seeing both blacks and whites, as well as many other kinds of people, praying together to the same god. Black pride had more to do with Stokely Carmichael, who came up with the phrase "Black Power," which inspired many African Americans to learn about African culture and their ethnic roots, as well as learn to lead their own organizations and groups, the Black Panthers, Martin Luther King, Jr., etc.

What was Malcolm X legacy?

Speaking broadly, Malcolm X left behind some key lessons on black identity. He exposed the weaknesses of peaceful protest and was an advocate of black people improving their economic situation through their own means. A good example of this would be the sickle-cell-anemia clinics in the poorest areas of the United States, which were funded and run by the black community. It's this legacy of self-determination and pride that is still strongly felt today.

What is the name of the book written by Malcom X?

Malcolm X wrote an autobiography titled, 'The Autobiography of Malcolm X', which was published in 1965. It is a spiritual conversion narrative that covers topics such as black pride and the act of bringing the people of Africa together. The Autobiography of Malcom X has been published and translated into many languages including German, French, and Arabic.

Why do people prefer Malcolm X is methods than martin Luther king?

Malcom x gave us pride in our selves !...king did'nt do that...he was a christian !...and guess who inslave us !...christians ! pastor were the first sale outs !...and they still are today

Why did Malcolm X say 'Black is beautiful'?

Malcolm X did NOT first say the famous quote, "Black is Beautiful".The phrase "Black is Beautiful" first came from the 1960s writings of SteveBiko, of South Africa, who was part of the "Black Consciousness Movement". In his book, 'I Write What I Like', Mr. Biko explained the meaning behind his slogan as this: "man, you are okay as you are, begin to look upon yourself as a human being."The politics of the Black Panthers and the sermons of Malcolm X made the expression more widely known in the USA, and most people wrongly attribute the quote to Malcolm X."Black is Beautiful" was a rallying cry, a movement against the idea that Blacks have less attractive or desirable characteristics and to discourage changing the natural African features. The slogan intended to discourage people from feeling they needed to change by:bleaching/whitening their skinstraightening their hairhaving plastic surgery to make a narrower noseThe slogan was meant to create self pride and pride within the race,so people (especially girls and women) did not continue to feel they needed to alter their physical being just to fit in. They called this an internalized racism that Blacks carried inside and needed to end.See Related Link