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Q: What tells something about the past?
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What is the function of past tense of the verb?

It tells us something happened in the past and in past simple it tells us that this is a finished completed action.I went to the cinema

Is 'tells' past tense?

No, tells is the present tense. The past tense is told.

What is a verb tense?

The tense of a verb tells you when a person did something or when something existed or happened. In English, there are three main tenses: the present, the past, and the future.

Does the simple past tense tell the near past?

Could be near past or distant past. Past simple tells about something at a definite time in the past, something that is now finished. I had breakfast at 7:30. (its now 8:30) She went to China in 1992.

What are the 3 simple tenses of a verb?

The present tense tells that something is happening now.The past tense tells that something has already happened.The future tense tells that something is going to happen.

What is tells in past tense?


What is the relationship between history and law?

history helps us to know the past cases and about the decisions taken in each case law so that it helps us in solving similar cases.

To whom Odysseus attribute his safe passage past Scylla?

Calypso tells Odysseus about Scylla and tells him how to get past the monster safely. She is the one who tells him to sacrifice six of his men to the monster.

To whom does Odysseus attribute his safe passage past Scylla?

Calypso tells Odysseus about Scylla and tells him how to get past the monster safely. She is the one who tells him to sacrifice six of his men to the monster.

What can oral traditions tells about the past?

What happened.

What tells about events that really happened in the past?


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