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Q: What tactics did AIM use in its attempts to gain reforms?
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How did the tactics of AIM differ from the tactics of the early civil rights movement and the Latino movement?

AIM used tactics that were often confrontational and violent.

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The aim of any batte is to gain strategical supperiority : Tsun Tsu

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AOL, after many researching attempts, still advertises independently of AIM. If the two have indeed merged, AOL has ultimately swallowed AIM entirely.

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The basic aim of football is for your team to gain possession of the football and to kick it into the end zone.

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What protest tactics were used by members of the American Idian Movement (AIM) at Alcatraz and Wounded Knee?

Property occupations

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William's 2 tactics were:To get his archers to aim upwards so they didn't miss,He pretended to retreat (fake),And I don't know the third one.... sorry (:

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Cuban Independence.