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Q: What surrounds you by or in the middle of a group of people of things?
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there similar to knights, but they're different because there are group of people who provide money and organise things.

A number of people or things?

A group is when you have a number of people or things together. In order for it to be a group it has to be 3 or more.

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the people in te middle colonies belived in Quakertism

Who were the Celts and Guals?

The Celts were a group of ancient peoples who inhabited parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to the Roman era. Gauls were a specific Celtic group that lived in the region that is now modern-day France. Both groups were known for their distinctive culture, language, and art.

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Is Lebanese a Hispanic group?

NO. Lebanese people are a Middle Eastern national group, not a Hispanic national group. Hispanics are generally people who come from Latin America.

A number of people or things together?

A group is when you have a number of people or things together. In order for it to be a group it has to be 3 or more.

What were things this group of people accomplished?

no idea???

What is considered a bunch?

a group of people or things

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Why do people group things?

Because then they can find things easyer and it is simple

What are Celtic Romans?

The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.