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Q: What strategy did the us use against the soviet?
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island hopping

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containment strategy

What methods did the US use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

What method did the US use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking Russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

What methods did the US use in it global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking Russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

What methods did the US use in it's global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking Russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

Which military strategy did the US use against the Japanese during World War 2?

Island Hopping

How did soviet leaders most likely feel about the improvment in relations between the US and china?

They worried it would work against the interest of the Soviet Union.

Who was the US racing against in the arms race?

The Soviet Union.

What was the response to the formation of NATO by the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact to use the occupied nations of Eastern Europe as a buffer zone against the US and western Europe.

What strategy did the us Navy use in the caribean?

The United States Navy did use the defense strategy in the caribbean.

Why did the US want go to space?

They wanted to win the space race against the Soviet Union.