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without a doubt the number one was that we cracked the naval code. so basically we knew when, where, how they planned to operate. the same can be said of the war in Europe as well. This fact did shorten the war and saved lives.

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Q: What strategies did the us use to stop and then reverse the Japanese advance in the pacific?
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What is was the purpose of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaii?

Japan wanted to expand throughout the Pacific and felt that byattacking the American fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor they would effectively cripple the United States' ability to respond and defend their Pacific territories.

What was the purpose of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii?

The Japanese hoped to completely destroy the American Navy at Pearl Harbour, and so prevent the USA from interfering with the Japanese conquests in Asia. The attack had the reverse result, bringing the USA directly into World War II, by declaring war on Japan. Adolf Hitler (due to a treaty with Japan) declared war of the USA a few days later. Fortunately, the American aircraft carriers were at sea on manoeuvres during the attack and were safe.

Why did the japanese hate the jews?

US Citizens felt that they had been decieved, by being attacked at Pearl Harbor (even though most US citizens didn't even know where Pearl Harbor was, OR even ever heard of it before). For civilians, being attacked by "surprise" is considered "dirty fighting", "cheating", or "not fighting fair." So, these elements contributed to people's attitudes. However, MOST "MILITARY MEN" knew that "Surprise" is one of the key ELEMENTS of the "Rules of War!" Translation: In warfare, "Surprise" is not only accepted, it is considered EXCELLENT TACTICS! True, the political ultimatum was "stalled" (some historians are debating whether or not that was intentional or not), and arrived after the attack, when it should have been reversed (ultimatum recieved, then denied, then the attack, NOT in reverse order). But that's politics for ya!

What is the use of reverse ARP?

Reverse ARP is used to Obtain IP address from a Server(responsible for IP addresses allocation) by providing its layer 2 (MAC) address.

How did deoclitian try to reverse the fall of rome?

Diocletian tried to reverse the fall of Rome by dividing the Empire into four parts. He thought that the place was to big for just one person.

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Although these ideas are geared to a Reverse Mortgage CompanyMarketing, these mostly free strategies can be applied to any type of business. Kathy

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Although these ideas are geared to a Reverse Mortgage CompanyMarketing, these mostly free strategies can be applied to any type of business. Kathy

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