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most likely to have been huts of some sort, possible a wood frame covered in mud that set to create a hard outer case. though it would vary in different continents.

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Q: What stone age did Neanderthal Man live in?
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The cast of Sex in the Stone Age - 2012 includes: Jaiden Kaine as Neanderthal

What was the neanderthal man like?

They were stone age hunter/gatherers, who lived in caves and rock shelters. They hunted large animals, such as bison, horse, mammoth, etc.

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What were some of the habits of the neanderthal man?

They were stone age hunter/gatherers, who lived in caves and rock shelters. They hunted large animals, such as bison, horse, mammoth, etc.

What age did stone age people live to?

Archeology finds have indicated that the average life of the "stone-age" man, the "cromagnon" was approx. 28 years of age.

What kind of shelters did neanderthal use?

They were stone age hunter/gatherers, who lived in caves and rock shelters.

Where did the stone age live?

stone age

Stone age man religion?

the Stone Age Man and Religion are same but when you say religion it base on the religion of the stone age.

Was man around during the stone age?

Yes. Man caused the stone age since it started using stone for tools.

Do you live in the old stone age the new stone age or neither?

You would live in neither.

What is another name for the Prehistoric Era?

Another name for the Prehistoric Era is the Stone Age.

What Is the Neanderthal culture called?

The Neanderthal culture is typically referred to as the Mousterian culture, named after the site of Le Moustier in France where these distinctive stone tools were first discovered. This culture is characterized by the use of flint tools, the presence of hearths, and evidence of burial practices.