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The United States of Europe (sometimes abbreviated U.S.E. or USE) is a name given to several similar hypothetical scenarios of the unification of Europe, as a single nation and a single federation of states, similar to the United States of America, both as projected by writers of speculative fiction and Science Fiction, and by political scientists, politicians, geographers, historians, and futurologists.

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Q: What steps did the EU and its predecessors take to bring the nations of Europe closer together?
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Why do dominoes fall faster closer together?

they take less time to hit each other

Why do europeans would enter trough Ellis island while most asians would enter trough Angel Island?

Most europeans went to Ellis because Europe was closer to that dock, where as Asia was closer to Angel.

Was Lithuania once part of Poland?

Lithuania was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (one of the largest states in Europe) and formed an alliance, and personal union with Poland in 1385 (The Grand Duke of Lithuania and the young Queen of Poland effectively marrying the two nations together). Together they conquered the Teutonic Order in 1410. This treaty signified the beginning of a long, extremely close relationship between the two. In 1569, they signed another treaty that bound them even closer together- as a commonwealth. It was a new and revolutionary form of government. Together they became the primary rye producers (also known as 'the breadbasket') of Europe. Their relationship continued until Prussia, Austria and Russia began the partitions of their land between 1772-1795. After the final partition, Lithuania (and Poland) was wiped off the map until it regained independence 1918. So no, Lithuania was not part of Poland, but a great commonwealth based on a close relationship between the two nations. The Jogaillan dynasty was also Lithuanian (The Polish Royal Line).

Why didn't Sumerians go on living in small villages as their ancestors had?

Because they had to work together to maintain the irrigation system.

How does war effect relationships between soldiers?

it makes them closer together if they are on the same side, as they develop a brotherly bond and they usually remain friends long after a war is over

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What steps did the EU and it's predecessors take to bring the nation's of Europe closer together?

The United States of Europe (sometimes abbreviated U.S.E. or USE) is a name given to several similar hypothetical scenarios of the unification of Europe, as a single nation and a single federation of states, similar to the United States of America, both as projected by writers of speculative fiction and Science Fiction, and by political scientists, politicians, geographers, historians, and futurologists.

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Ohio is closer to Europe.

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Africa is closer to Asia, as it's connected to Asia via the Isthmus of Suez.

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Europe and Asia share a border. Europe and Africa have no border, so Asia is closer.

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Asia and Europe share a border, so Asia is closer to Europe than to New Zealand.

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i think europe and aisa europe is closer to aisa

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No, Europe is a lot closer to the North Pole than it is to the South Pole.

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South America is closer to Europe. This is a big Country.