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At first President Hoover tried to organize national optimism by summoning business execs to DC to declare that conditions were sound and that there would not be wage cutting. When that did not work (stop the depression), he became inactive for a while, trusting to the idea that it all would self-correct. When that did not work, he organized an international moratorium in war debts and reparations. This actually did help stem the slide further into depression, but only briefly. Then he set up the Reconstruction Finance Corp. to bring federal aid to hard pressed banks and businesses. Just as it seemed that this might work and that recovery was at hand, in the winter of 1932-33 the banking system in America went into a tailspin. On March 4, 1933, the American banking system ground to a complete halt. Hoover was an able and intelligent president who attempted orthodox economic ideas, but became a victim to the collapse of the system.

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13y ago

Hoover called for private charities to help the needy. Churches set up soup kitchens where the hungry could go get a free meal. Hoover set up public works programs. The government hired workers to build schools, construct dams, and pave highways. Hoover also approved of the Reconstuction Finance Corporation (RFC) The RFC loaned money to railroads, banks, and insurance companies to help them stay in business.

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10y ago

President Hoover was a self made man that did not support the government helping those affected by the depression. He did however do three things to combat the woes of the American public. The first thing President Hoover did was institute the Mexican Reparation program that forced Mexican and Mexican Americans into Mexico. The second thing President Hoover did was the Smoot Hawley tariff which raised the tariff on thousands of imported goods in an effort to raise revenue. The third thing President Hoover did was the Hoover Moratorium which called for a one year halt in reparation payments to France and Germany.

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Hoover was a dumbazz

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Q: What steps did Hoover take to ease the economic crisis?
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What was the fundamental disagreement between the candidates in the 1932 presidential election?

the Depression existedthe federal government should try to fix people's problemsAmericans should offer aid to European economiesany relief efforts were necessary to ease the economic crisis

What compromise did Henry Clay at you in order to resolve the Nullification Crisis?

He proposed the Tariff of 1833, to ease the nullification crisis. what it basically did was lower the tax prices year by year.

Herbert Hoovers solution to ease the great depression?

While not believing in charity by the government, Hoover did try and help the economic mess that began during his administration. He gave much of his money to charity and encouraged Americans to do the same. He broke with Republicans and did away with the taxes that had been placed on citizens during the Coolidge administration. He thought that would allow for more income being spent to help the economy rebound. He spent $500 million a year on public works and government programs to build or improve government properties. The most famous was the Hoover (Boulder) Dam. Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (continued by FDR) which created an agency to help banks, railroads, and other key businesses to stay in business thus helping the economy. All of these things could not stem the tide of the economic collapse. Hoover believed in a balanced budget and not pumping government money into the economy. He believed in "rugged individualism" and relied on the individual, the churches and private charities, and the local and state governments to handle most of the economic help that was needed.

How did the wildcat banks contribute to the panic of 1837?

Pet Bank is another term for state banks. President Andrew Jackson, who hated the bank of the United States, took steps to disenfranchise it by emptying eat of all funds, and proceeding to transfer its funds to several pet banks. There was no currency backing up these banks. As a result, when economic issues, and over inflated spending occurred, the country entered a recession because there was no longer a federal bank with funding to ease the Panic of 1837.

How did the energy crisis start?

The energy crisis maybe partially a result of environmentalists' refusal to allow the construction of new refineries, drilling for oil in some of the largest reserves in the world, or building nuclear power plants. The energy crisis is possibly several things intertwined and for ease of conversation they are put in a nutshell called [the energy crisis] It did not exist until a need for energy other then food stuff became into being. It may have been furthered along on its path to current prominence by the change in the western world from a agrarian society to a consumer based society . It could have also been started when the consumption of fuel exceeded the supply. This could have been a direct result of supply and demand or due to manipulation of markets by suppliers originally but currently manipulation of supply by cartel is happening. Possible when civilization went into the industrial revolution and energy needs expanded it started then first with the need for whale oil then coal now oil.

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