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Q: What states weren't affected by the dust bowl?
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What caused the dust bowl and what states were most affected by it?

The Dust Bowl was caused by an incredibly severe drought. The states most affected were Texas and Oklahoma.

What are some states that were affected by the dust bowl?

Kentucky fried chicken

Who did the Dust Bowl affect the most?

it affected the people whodidn't have alot of money or a home .

How did the dust bowl effect other countries?

The Dust Bowl, also known as the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms in the Midwest. It affected 27 states and covered almost 75% of the entire United States.

What states in the US was the Dust Bowl?

The Dust Bowl affected 100,000,000 acres in five US States with the center point being the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles and the adjoining States of Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico. It was an ecological and economic disaster that did not end until the 1940's. They were termed the "Black Blizzards" by those who lived through them.

Was Canada affected by the Dust Bowl?


How was Iowa affected by the Dust Bowl in the 1930's?

The Dust Bowl affected Iowa by blowing strong gust towards West/Central Iowa

Was Tennessee affected by the dust bowl?

Well most every state had been affected by the Dust Bowl but if you mean the actual storm has been in Tennessee it wasn't. The Dust Bowl was in 5 states: Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. I'm not really that sure if maybe part of the storm made its way towards Tennessee but I know that the winds were from Canada. -Wiki-Admin

Where the dust bowl?

The dust bowl was mainly in The Great Plains of the United States of America.

What states were affected by dust bowl?

Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, The Dust Bowl was a period in the 30s where there were a series of severe dust storms causing agricultural and ecological problems. The Dust Bowl states were composed of mainly Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas. The surrounding Great Plains regions were also affected by the severe dust storms.

Why was Alberta in a big debt in 1930 after being the most recents settled country?

Alberta fell into debt in 1930 because of the combination of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl affected all prairie provinces and states in Canada and United States respectively.

Deflation affected the Dust Bowl in the 1930s by .?

Lowering the land.