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All fifty. Here's the deal: When the United States converts a piece of land from a Territory to a State, its government is required to ratify the Constitution. The Ninth Amendment was written before the thirteen original colonies became states, and to join the Union as a state each colony had to ratify the Constitution in its entirety. All fifty states have ratified the Constitution, hence all fifty states have approved the Ninth Amendment.

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Q: What states voted for the ninth amendment?
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Related questions

When what the ninth amendment passed?

The Ninth Amendment was passed on December 15, 1791. passed by 3/4 of the states.

When was the ninth amendment?

The Ninth Amendment became part of the Constitution on December 15, 1791 upon ratification by three-fourths of the states.

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Which states voted for the 10th amendment?

all 14 of them

Did anyone oppose the ninth amendment?

I doubt it. The ninth amendment states the government cannot claim the only rights we have are listed in the Bill of Rights.

Which amendment states that the people have other right that are not specifically states in the constitution?

the ninth

Which amendment states that the people have other rights that are not specifically stated the constitution?

the ninth

Which amendment states that people have other rights that are not specifically stated in the constitution?

the ninth

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Did the ninth amendment outlaw income tax?

No, the ninth amendment of the US Constitution does not outlaw income tax. This amendment provides for the rights of the citizens of the United States that were intended by the founding fathers but not clearly stipulated in the Bill of Rights.

What is Basic explanation of the ninth Amendment?

It means that states can do what they want to do, IF the Constitution doesn't forbid it.

What is the 9th amendement?

The Ninth Amendment, or Amendment IX of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that states that there are other rights that may exist aside from the ones explicitly mentioned, and even though they are not listed, it does not mean they can be violated. The Ninth Amendment of the Bill of Rights was put into the United States Constitution on September 5, 1789 and was voted for by 9 out of 12 states on December 15, 1791.