

Best Answer

South Carolina December 20, 1860

Mississippi January 9, 1861

Florida January 10, 1861

Alabama January 11, 1861

Georgia January 19, 1861

Louisiana January 26, 1861

Texas February 1, 1861

Virginia April 17, 1861

Arkansas May 6, 1861

North Carolina May 20, 1861

Tennessee June 8, 1861

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Q: What states did the Emancipation Proclamation affect when it was declared?
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In 1863 The emancipation proclamation declared free only those slaves in which states?

States still in rebellion against the United States.

What did the northers do in the emancipation proclamation?

Nothing. It didn't affect them. Only affected the Confederate states.

Did the Emancipation proclamation declared that all enslaved people were free?

No. The Emancipation Proclamation, written by Abraham Lincoln, declared all slaves in the CONFEDERATE states free. This did no good because the confederate states were not in Lincoln's control at the time. This document said nothing about the UNION slaves, though. A couple of the states fighting on Lincoln's side still had slaves, and the emancipation proclamation did not set them free.

What was the importance of the emancipation proclamation?

It declared all slaves free in the United States after the civil war it was signed September 1862

Slaves in states that were controlled by the South were freed by the?

The Emancipation Proclamation is credited with freeing the slaves in the United States.

Which slaves were not declared free dy the emancipation proclamation?

The ones in the four slave-states of the Upper South that had remained loyal to the Union.

What proclamation freed slaves in the confederate states?

Emancipation proclamation

When it was issued in 1863 the emancipation proclamation declared free only those slaves in?

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in 10 states that were still in rebellion in 1863. It did not, however, take into account slaves that were in bordering Union states. These remaining slaves were freed on the state and federal level.

What did the emancipation proclanation do?

In the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln declared slavery abolished in the states that had seceded from the United States. Since those states did not acknowledge Lincoln's authority, slavery did not end until the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.

What famous act did Abraham Lincoln do?

One of Abraham Lincoln's most famous acts was issuing the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which declared that all slaves in Confederate territory were to be set free. This proclamation played a significant role in the abolishment of slavery in the United States.

Who declared an end to slavery in the rebellious states?

If your referring to the USA, it would be Abraham Lincoln. He wrote the emancipation proclamation ending slavery in the southern states. Hope This Helps

How did the emancipation proclamation affect the union and the confederacy?

it helped by freeing all the states that were fighting in the civil war and all the union states that had slaves