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Q: What statements describes the traveling conditions most immigrants endured when making the trip to the US?
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What are some subtopics about the Underground Railroad?

traveling conditions

What was new York like in the 1700s?

In the 1700s, immigrants were coming from all over the world. The second and third waves of Irish immigrants came after 1717. The potato famine in Ireland was making them want to come. Many immigrants thought that they would strike it rich in this new land. Ellis Island and Angel Island dealt with immigrants. Immigrants were inspected, but it was rare for one not to be accepted. If an immigrant was sick, they were sent to the Ellis Island hospital at Ellis Island. It was rare for one of the immigrants to get sent home. Angel Island was used mainly by Asians and Ellis Island by Europeans. Ellis Island was closed in 1954. It was expensive to maintain. Today, Ellis Island is a tourist sight. From Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty can be seen. The Statue of Liberty was a significant sight for the immigrants crossing over to the U.S. Many of them cried on the boats. The boats treated the immigrants as cargo, and the immigrants were usually steerage. Depending on where the immigrants were traveling from, the journeys were long. Many people got sick and conditions were terrible.

Who were the new immigrants and where did they come from?

If you mean immigrants traveling to the US, then the answer is many places. Some places they came from were Italy, Sweden, other European countries, Asia, and in the present day Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. Those are only a few of the many places they came from.

What were the traveling conditions like on marco polo's voyage?

Marco Polo was an Italian merchant and traveler from Venice. Marco Polo had many journeys, and there is no information on the weather during these journeys.

What were troubadour called in medieval times?

A troubadour was a traveling singer and player of instruments - a traveling entertainer.

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Where were all of the immigrants traveling to aboard the Titanic?

The immigrants were heading to the US on Titanic which was destined for New York City.


A group of people traveling to another country to start a new life there.

Which natural land form was a barrier for immigrants traveling west to Ohio and Mississippa?

give me the answer

How did the immigrants keep their food fresh while traveling?

The packed it in barrels.[with the lids closed]

How did immigrants traveling west gain security?

The conditions under which they travelled were inherently insecure. They were protected by a combination of prayer, good fortune, an ability to befriend the Native Americans they encountered on their journey, and a commitment to protecting one another as a community.

How was Leif Ericson's conditions for traveling?

good weather

What were the conditions traveling to the concentration camps?

It was terrible and uncomfortable.

What are some subtopics about the Underground Railroad?

traveling conditions

The narrator of Heart of Darkness describes going up the river almost as though he were?

He describes it as almost traveling back in time.

In the passage Elisa tells the traveling repairman that she doesn't have anything for him to fix. best describes the tone of the traveling repairman's response to Elisa?


Who brought attention to the poor traveling conditions on trains?

Isaac Dripps

Which natural landforms was a barrier for immigrants traveling west to Ohio and Mississippi?

From the east, the Appalachian Mountain Range caused a formidable barrier to traveling west. There were no roads, only Indian foot paths used for hunting. As well, Native American Indian tribes were hostile, and that deterred immigrants from moving West.