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Q: What state is attributed to the wyandot word kahtentahteh?
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Why did the Native Americans call Kentucky as such?

It was white settlers who called the area "Kentucky", because they could not pronounce the Iroquoian name for the area.This was probably a Wyandot (Huron) word meaning "plains" or "grasslands"; another alternative is Wyandot kentahteh, which means "tomorrow" (the lands which the Wyandots planned to occupy in the near future).

How did the continent of Asia get its name?

Asia got its name from the Romans. Asia was called after the ancient Roman province. The word Asia originated from the Greek word Ἀσία, first attributed to Herodotus (about 440 BC) in reference to Anatolia

Is Israel considered a country or a state?

Although it was founded under the title of "The State of Israel", Israel is considered a modern country. For most countries, the word "state" means the same thing as "country". Think of Israel as a country with only 1 state in it. So it can be called either word.

Which state ratifies the constitution when Alexander hamilton threatended to lead a prominent city to secede from the states?

When New York State met to consider ratifying the U.S. Constitution, there were 46 against it and only 19 for it. There were a number of speeches and strategies that were required to gain ratification by a vote of 30 to 27. Toward the end of the six week session, the word got distributed (often attributed to Alexander Hamilton, but I haven't been able to find proof - though it would be reasonable to assume) that NYC would secede and join the union, leaving the rest of NYS with a much weakened state since NYC was a well-to-do part of the state.

What word did element californium come from?

Californium, from the state California in USA.

Related questions

What is correct stress pattern for word attributed?

The correct stress pattern for the word "attributed" is 'a-TRIB-uted', with the second syllable ('TRIB') stressed.

What does the name Lake Huron mean?

Lake Huron got named by French explorers for inhabitants in the area, Wyandot or "Hurons".

Another word for credited?

Applied or attributed.

Why did the Native Americans call Kentucky as such?

It was white settlers who called the area "Kentucky", because they could not pronounce the Iroquoian name for the area.This was probably a Wyandot (Huron) word meaning "plains" or "grasslands"; another alternative is Wyandot kentahteh, which means "tomorrow" (the lands which the Wyandots planned to occupy in the near future).

Does the Bible have the word scientist in it?

NO. The word scientist is attributed to the Rev. William Whewell (English 1794-1866) by analogy to the word artist.

How do you change human to an abstract noun?

You can change "human" to an abstract noun by referring to the qualities or characteristics attributed to humans, such as humanity or humanness.

How do you use the word attributed in a sentence?

In her report, Mya attributed the following quotation to Henry Ford. However, Oprah Winfry is the true author: "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity."

What is a sentence using the word misogyny?

(The word "misogyny" means a hatred or dislike of women.) The killer's misogyny was attributed to his abuse by the aunts who raised him.

How do you spell yliad?

The likely word is the proper noun "Iliad" (an ancient lyric poem attributed to Homer).

Who was the first person to say the word hi?

The origins of the word "hi" are not attributed to any specific person. It likely evolved over time as a shortened form of the word "hello."

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How do you abbreviate the word state?

The word state can be abbreviated as "St."