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Last I heard New York still has the largest Jewish population. But I read in Time magazine some years ago that a lot are moving out of that state, lowering the Jewish population.

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Q: What state has the most Jews?
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What did the fascist party advocate?

jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jew jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews ejws

Why did Hitler and the Nazis party hate the Jews to the point of planning to exterminate the entire Jewish race?

They did not plan to exterminate all Jews, just those living within their reach. Whether or not they hated them is irrelevant, what matters is that they did not want Jews in their society. The reasons for this was that they saw Jews as a threat to national security. They thought that Jews had an allegiance first to their faith rather than to the state. Most of the other reasons stem from this, they thought that Jews were more interested in making money than helping the state and that Jews were in charge of certain industries and banking, also and juxtaposed to this that they spread communism.

Who did Hitler and the Nazzi party blame for the state of the German economy?

He blamed the Jews!

How were most of the European Jews brought to the camps?

Most Jews were brought to the Nazi Concentration camps using trains, shoving the Jews into cattle-cars to humiliate them.

Where there camps in US for Jews during World War 2?

I had to think awhile to be able to answer this question. There were no camps for Jews in the United State. The Jews were being killed in Germany and not all over the world. Being Jewish is a religious belief and not the enemy.

Related questions

Which state has the most Jews?


Why do the Jews think Palestinians shouldn't have their land?

Jews do not think this. Most Israeli Jews support a two-state solution. They just want the Palestinians to recognize Israel's right to exist.

Where is home for the Jews?

israel is a state designated to jews.

What did the fascist party advocate?

jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jew jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews ejws

In what part of Europe were there the most Jews?

The most Jews were located in Poland.

What part of Europe were there the most Jews?

The most Jews were located in Poland.

Is Zionism racist towards Jews?

No. Zionism was created by Jews for Jews. It is the belief that the Jews should have political self-sovereignty and is the patriotic sentiment behind the Establishment of the State of Israel. Precision : Among Haredim Jews, some are Anti-Zionists (some even having "friendly" relations with the Iranian president). However, even they do not accuse Zionism as being racist towards Jews. Their issue with the State of Israel is that they do not believe that Jews have a right to a state prior to the Messiah's arrival. It is not that they believe that the state or the ideology is discriminatory towards Jews.

Why did Hitler and the Nazis party hate the Jews to the point of planning to exterminate the entire Jewish race?

They did not plan to exterminate all Jews, just those living within their reach. Whether or not they hated them is irrelevant, what matters is that they did not want Jews in their society. The reasons for this was that they saw Jews as a threat to national security. They thought that Jews had an allegiance first to their faith rather than to the state. Most of the other reasons stem from this, they thought that Jews were more interested in making money than helping the state and that Jews were in charge of certain industries and banking, also and juxtaposed to this that they spread communism.

Why did Hitler and the nazi party hate the Jews to the point of planning to exterminate the entire the Jewish race?

They did not plan to exterminate all Jews, just those living within their reach. Whether or not they hated them is irrelevant, what matters is that they did not want Jews in their society. The reasons for this was that they saw Jews as a threat to national security. They thought that Jews had an allegiance first to their faith rather than to the state. Most of the other reasons stem from this, they thought that Jews were more interested in making money than helping the state and that Jews were in charge of certain industries and banking, also and juxtaposed to this that they spread communism.

What was the final result of the Jews revolting against the Romans?

the final result of the Jews' revolt against Rome, was the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem and dispersion of Jews all over the Roman empire. The Jews remained in the exile diaspora until 1948, when they reestablished their independent state of Israel. Most of the Jews that live outside of Israel are a result of this deportation.

What countries have the most amount of Jews living there?

There is a strong debate as to whether the US or Israel has the largest Jewish population. While Israel has more individuals that the state identifies as Jews, it is argued that there are a number of Jews who do not identify on the US census and therefore the number of Jews in the US is larger.Israel.

What country are Jews from?

the Jews are from israel. israel has been a Jewish country from the times of the bible.