Iin Australian waters, James Cook named Thirsty Sound and Broad Sound.
In New Zealand, Cook named Queen Charlotte's Sound.
Captain James Cook initially named the Hawaiian Island the Sandwich Islands after the Earl of Sandwich. John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, at the time the First Lord of the Admiralty and Cook's superior officer, was one of Cook's major sponsors.
Captain Cook named the islands Hervey Islands. The name Cook Islands appeared on a Russian Naval Chart in the 1820's named so in honour of James Cook
Captain Cook named them the Sandwich Isles.
Captain Cook was a ships' captain, not a cook.
Hawaii was originally named the Sandwich Islands after one of Captain James Cook's sponsors, John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was at the time the First Lord of the Admiralty and Cook's superior officer.
Doubtful Sound got it's name from Captain Cook. Doubtful Sound got it's name from Captain Cook.
I'm glad you asked. the Puget sound is named after peter Puget because when he was on a boat with captain cook the captain said that if anyone would journey down the sound that they would get it named after them and peter Puget was the one to go in the lifeboat and find land so therefor its the Puget sound.
cook islands
Captain Cook the man named Tonga "The Friendly Island."Why because Tongans where kind to Captain Cook when he arrived to Tonga.
Captain Cook the man named Tonga "The Friendly Island."Why because Tongans where kind to Captain Cook when he arrived to Tonga.
== == Captain James Cook
queen charlotte sound
Upon his return from his second voyage in 1775.
New Holland
It was named the Sandwich Islands by Captain Cook.
The tallest NZ mountain is Mt. Cook. It is named after Captain Cook. It has two official names; the other is Aoraki.