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so people will bw able to do it now a days

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Q: What sort of example did gandhi set for others?
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How did Gandhi set an example?

Gandhiji fought on the principle of non-violence & satyagraha & achieved freedom for india without bloodshed.he showed the world that a war can be won on the path of non-violence .thus he set an example for others to persue it.

How did Gandhi try to set an example?

go to to find the answer

Is Mohandas Gandhi considered a hero?

sort of. he set the ground work for many other civil rights leaders.

How do you use example?

He set a good example for others.

What is the example Muhammad set for others?

the sunnah

Why did gandhi have a big nose?

Gandhi's distinctive nose was likely just a physical trait he was born with and does not have any significance in relation to his personality or achievements. It is not uncommon for people to have unique physical features that set them apart from others.

In what country was the movie Gandhi set?


Do you agree that people in authority should set a good example for others?


What does sort mean in compute-ring?

It means that you have some data that is unsorted, and you sort it according to some criterion. For example, if you have a set of numbers, you might want to have them in ascending order, such that each number is greater-or-equal than the number before it. Or if you have a set of words, you might want to sort them in dictionary order.

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Ruth left her people for her mother-in-law. This was supposed to be an example of how you treat your family.

Are there any operas set in India?

Lakmé is an opera set in India.Satyagraha, Philip Glass's opera about Gandhi, is also set in India.

What is meaning of upama?

Meaning-1)The best in comparison! 2)Something set as an example for others to refer to.