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My heart will go on by Celine Dion

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Q: What song was playing while the Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage?
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Was Margret Ann Brady a real passenger on the RMS Titanic?

No. According to the description in the back of the Dear America book called Voyage on the Titanic: "While the events described and some of the characters in this book may be based on actual historical events and real people, Margaret Ann Brady is a fictional character, created by the author, and her diary and its epilogue are works of fiction."

What did Captain John Smith do while on the Titanic?

John Smith was not on the Titanic. The ship's captain was Edward Smith. Not even related to John Smith.

Were the Olympic liner series flawed?

This is a complicated question. Certainly the ships were not unsinkable, but it is actually impossible to make an unsinkable ship. Olympic and Titanic both had 15 watertight compartments that did not rise the full height of the ship, so that once the water in the forward compartments of Titanic rose above a certain level it spilled over into the next compartment, meaning that the ship sank. In addition both Olympic and Titanic had single-skin hulls, meaning that there was only a single layer of steel between the ocean and the interior of the ship, in contrast to the double-hull construction of other, more advanced liners. Following the sinking of the Titanic, these flaws were however partially corrected on the unfinished Britannic, the third ship in the class. She was given a double hull, so that had she struck an iceberg as Titanic did she would probably not have sunk. Six of her fifteen watertight compartments were extended to 'B' Deck; again, if this had been the case in Titanic, she would not have sunk. Thus the flaws of the original design that were shown up by the Titanic were corrected in Britannic. Yet of the three Olympic Class liners, only Olympic ever did the job that she was built for, carrying passengers from Liverpool to New York. Titanic, as we all know, sank on her maiden voyage, while Britannic sank in the Mediterranean while serving as a hospital ship in world War I, despite her modifications. She was the victim of enemy action, either a mine or a torpedo struck her bows, creating a list that meant that water entered through portholes that had been opened to ventilate her wards - a human error that negated her design modifications and led to her sinking. The Olympic, on the other hand, sank other ships! On her maiden voyage she collided with a Royal Navy cruiser in New York Harbour. While serving as a troopship during World War I she rammed and sank a German U-Boat, U-103, and finally in 1933 she ran down the Nantucket Lightship and sank it, killing seven of the crew. Olympic was known as 'Old Reliable', and served until 1935, when she was scrapped, following the merger of the White Star Line with Cunard, whose ships were technically superior. She may have been flawed, but she was good enough.

What ship sank while it was en route to Liverpool England?


What were people doing while the Titanic was sinking?

throghing bunnys and screaming for there lives

Related questions

What ship was sunk by an iceberg while on its maiden voyage in 1912?


Is Titanic story true?

Yes, the Titanic was a real ship that sank on its maiden voyage in April 1912 after hitting an iceberg. The events surrounding the sinking of the Titanic have been extensively documented and researched. While the characters portrayed in the movie may be fictional, the overall story of the Titanic is based on true events.

Did titanic sail from southhampton to France?

She left Southampton on her maiden (and only voyage) on April 10th 1912. Although, let us not forget she was built in Belfast so sailed to southampton before her maiden voyage. Confusing.

What did the British do on the 12th of April 1919?

The ocean liner RMS Titanic struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic shortly before midnight, while on its maiden voyage from Europe to the US. It sank less than three hours later and more than 1500 of its 2200 passengers and crew perished.

What was Mary Reibey's maiden name?

Mary Reibey, former convict, had a maiden name of Haydock. She married the young Irish officer Thomas Reibey either during the voyage while she was being transported to Australia, or soon after her arrival.

What day did the titanic arrive at Southampton?

it left 12:15 pm on Wednesday10th April 1912.

When did the titanic boat first sail?

No The Titanic sunk when they hit a iceberg in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, because when they hit the iceberg all the water came up to the surface. So all the water was so heavy on the ship that it sunk! Your Welcome! To not delete the previous answer and give you the correct one, The Titanic set sail on its first and last voyage on April 10th, 1912.

How old was johnny trott when the titanic sank?

The Titanic was laid down on 31st March 1909 & was completed 31st March 1912. She set sail on her Maiden Voyage on the 10th April 1912. Sadly she met her fate hitting an iceberg on the 14th April 1912 at 11:40pm & sank at 2:20am on the 15th April 1912.That is an excellent question and I would be willing to give you an answer to your question.The "RMS Titanic" was not very old at all when she sank.When she sank she was only 15 days old when she plunged into the sea!Thanks for your question.The Titanic's hull was launched on May 31, 1911, but was not completely outfitted until March 31, 1912, and the first sea trial was on April 2, 1912.The ship was on its first transatlantic trip when it sank less than 2 weeks later, on April 15, 1912. So while the hull had 10 1/2 months in the water, the actual ship was brand new.The Titanic was completed on April 2, 1912, and sank April 15, 1912. The ship had only been completed 13 days prior to sinking.Very young. Titanic was on its maiden voyage when it sankthe titanic so far is 99 years old this coming aprl it will be 100 years oldabout 3 hours

What song was being sang while titanic was sinking?

playing with fire (n-dubz feat. mr hudson)

How many worked on the titanic while it was on its voyage?

Titanic had a crew of 918 people, 22 of whom were women. There were no children in the crew, though some were in their teens and left home. Of the 918, 703 died, meaning only 23% survived. The crew had the worst casualties, though all but 2 of Titanic's women crew survived.

Where was the titanic going how long did it take?

The Titanic sank on its maiden (first) voyage from Southampton, England while sailing to New York City. It departed port on 10 April 1912. She made stops at Cherbourg, France on the 10th and Queenstown, Ireland on the 11th to pick up passengers. At 1:30 PM on the 11th, the starboard anchor was raised for the last time and the Titanic departed on her first Trans-Atlantic crossing for New York. It was due into port in New York on Wednesday, 17 April, but sank on 15 April 1912 at about 2:20 AM after hitting an iceberg in middle of Atlantic Ocean.

Why do you remember the events and voyage of the Titanic?

Most people would say that we must keep the memory of the 1,496 people that perished in the sinking of Titanic. While that is true, the implicit need is for the memory of the lessons learned from the sinking.