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Merchants were in middle class.

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Q: What social class did merchants government officials landlords and Confucian scholars belong?
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Which of the following groups belonged to China's gentry class?

Members of the gentry included Confucian scholars, government officials, landlords, and rich merchants.

In China which social class did merchants government officials landlords and Confucian scholars belong to?

Aristocracy Gentry.

In China to which social class did merchants government officials landlords and scholars belong?

Aristocracy Gentry.

Did the song dynasty improve the government by incorporating Confucian ideas?

Yes, the Song Dynasty improved the government by incorporating Confucian ideas. They implemented a civil service examination system based on Confucian principles to select government officials. This helped to promote meritocracy and ensure that officials were educated and capable. Additionally, the emphasis on Confucian values such as loyalty, filial piety, and social harmony played a significant role in shaping the governance and policies of the dynasty.

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Who were scholar-officials?

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Why did Chinese officials feel that merchants were going against Confucius teachings?

The whole officialdom of China after the time of the Chinese Communist Revolution and the installation of Communism as the official principle of administration in China has been a total negation of all Confucian teachings. Chinese officials feeling that their merchants are going against Confucian teachings is absurd and ridiculous. The philosophy and logic of this great teacher Confucius has been shaping Chinese culture for the past 2500 years which was halted all of a sudden by the Communist Party of China when they tried to incorporate hostile alien ideologies into the traditional culture of China. Even as the respect the Chinese youngsters show towards their elders is a Confucian contribution, this great teacher was tried to be obscured by revolutionaries when they taught youngsters to betray elders in the name of hunting for supposed enemies of the state. It was not the merchants but the officials of modern day China who were and are going against the teachings of Confucius.

What was the ancient Egyptian organized list?

Pharoh government officials solders scribes' merchants art farmers slaves

Who were members of the rising middle class?

Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Managers, Social Workers, Architects, and Teachers.

Once the government examinations were based on the teachings of Confucius who could hold government jobs?

Yes, during the imperial examinations in China, candidates were required to have a strong knowledge of Confucian texts in order to qualify for government positions. This emphasis on Confucian teachings helped ensure that officials were well-versed in ethics, governance, and the principles of public service.

What is the order of the Egyptian social pyramid?

From top to bottom; Pharaoh , Government officials , Soldiers , Scribes , Merchants , Artisans , Farmers , and the Slaves .