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How about an apology?...that and perhaps reflect on what it is that causes us to make disparaging remarks about others. It sounds like you're already half way there. Good luck.

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Q: What should you do if you called someone fat?
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If someone is genetically fat do they have to stay fat?

if a person is fat, he/she should mainly try to have a healthy body, regardless of the looks.

How do you apologize after calling someone fat?

You say, "I'm very sorry that I called you fat. I hope that you will forgive me, please."

What should you do when someone calls you fat?

just ignore them, but if it starts to get hurtful and really bad, tell someone.

A guy called you fat and im not fat?

That guy who called you fat is pathetic then. If we cannot come to exist in harmony and acceptance, then we should not mark others with their own flaws.

What do you say to someone that called you fat?

Simply say " How RUDE" and walk away. That is what it is RUDE.

Should you dump him if he is fat?

yes because he deserves someone much better than you

Should you cry if someone called You mean?

No you should not cry

You like someone and you are fat?

i think it shouldn't matter to the person if they really like you .they should like you for who you are.

Why should someone eat healthy?

Umm... to live longer! so we dont get fat as hell

What should you do if someone constantly calling you fat?

If you don't believe you are fat, don't do anything and just ignore them. If it still bugs you, tell them or a parent or trusted friend. If you do thing you're fat, exercise and eat healthfully and just do your best to ignore them or tell someone.

Do skinny girls like fat guys?

Why classify someone by whether they're 'skinny' or 'fat'. That's just plain rude. Honestly, you should love someone for what's on the inside, not on the outside. That and this is an opinionated question.

How do you delete a membership at Be Naughty?

Because someone can report you e.g:This penguin was being horrible to me because... he called me a fat cow.That is how someone gets deleted from a Membership!!