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Q: What should Americans not forget?
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Can forget

Should anzac day be forgotten?

No. Lest we forget means: in order that we not forget.

Should you just forget him?

not if you love him

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many people died don forget the cost of the war

What should you do if you forget your passwordou forget your password?

you should sign in again and write down your new password and put it where u will fined it

Tell you what she is hoping you should do?

you should just forget about her and move on!

What is a food that Americans love to eat?

You know we love our fried chicken baby. And dont forget the steak!

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Why most Americans should not have credit cards.

How do you forget someone you loved?

if you loved them you shouldn't forget them you should just use the memories to help you to move on.

What should you do when you like a guy but a guy doesn't like you?

you should forget the guy and move on (don't waste time on guys) you should forget the guy and move on (don't waste time on guys)