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he sailed on the Nina

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Q: What ship did Christopher Columbus sailing on when he set sail for the new world?
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what way did Christopher Columbus think he was sailing to china?

What country did Christopher Columbus sail for and what was he hoping to find?

Christopher Columbus was sailing for Portugal in search of India looking for great riches and wealth.

For what reason did Christopher go sailing?

Christopher Columbus decided to go sail because he wanted to go discover the New World and also to beacme rich and famous. (=

What explorer's request to sail the new world did Portugal deny?

Christopher Columbus

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Christopher Columbus

What was the interest of Christopher Columbus?

Christopher Columbus loved to sail.

Who was the first leader of the expedition to sail around the world?

christopher columbus

What explorers did Portugal deni to sail the new world?

Christopher Columbus

Portugal denied which explorer's request to sail to the New World?

They denied Christopher Columbus' request to said to the New World.

What country did Christopher Columbus sail for when he sailed around the world?

He sailed to America and wanted to sail to India .

What did christopher Columbus believe that other people made fun of him?

because they thought he was too young to sail and that his way of sailing was different from theirs

Ship sailed by Christopher Columbus?

Yes, Christopher Columbus sailed three ships and the smallest one was the Pinta, I think.