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Q: What shifted the balance of the Seven Year's War of power in favor of the who?
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The Seven Year's War shifted the balance of power in favor of the .?


What two battles ended on the same day and shifted the momentum of the war in favor of the north?

Vicksburg and Gettysburg.

What ways can equilibrium be shifted?

Equilibrium can be shifted by changing the concentration of reactants or products, adjusting the temperature, altering the pressure (for gases), or adding a catalyst. By changing these factors, the equilibrium position can be shifted towards either the products or the reactants to favor the desired reaction.

How did the relationship between king and Parliament change during the early 18C?

King George I and II were German-born. As a result, they were not particularly familiar with the English way of doingh things. So, the executive power essentially passed to Parliament and the prime minister. The balance of power shifted in favor of Pasrliament

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Lenin shifted in favor of a transition between Tsarism and democracy.

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to change the balance of trade in favor of Britain.

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Yes, only if you are disputing the validity and the Credit Bureau finds in yiour favor.

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The invention of the tanks and the coming of the US reinforcements.

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The purpose of agriculture has traditionally and primarily been to meet the demand for agricultural products, mainly food, but also raw materials for fibre manufacture.The basic purpose of agriculture is to shift the ecological balance of nature in favor of humans relative to other species. All species attempt to tip the balance in their favor; humans are no different in this regard. But, humans alone are a willful species. The rightness or legitimacy of agriculture is determined by its purpose, by why humans attempt to tip the ecological balance in their favor, and concurrently, how far they are willing to tip it.

Why didnt John Adams serve a second term as President?

The obvious answer is that he lost the election. He had tried to carry on Washington's political ideas, but he was no Washington and had no strong following outside of Massachusetts. He was somewhat paranoid about another revolution and push through the alien and sedition acts which were unpopular. Adams had strong opposition in Thomas Jefferson who had much long-standing support in Virginia. Jefferson came in second to Adams in 1796 and by 1800 the balance had shifted over to Jefferson's favor.