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Q: What services does the US provide to other nations?
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What is generally true of all industrialized nations that have higher tax rates than the US has?

these governments generally provide more services.

Why is the US producing fewer goods and more services?

Services are easier to provide in today's economy because of the technology given to us.

What types of telecommunications services does the US provide to the rest of the world?

The America's long distance services are available all around the world allowing them to communicate with other people aruond the world.

Who offers immigration and naturalization services in New York?

US Citizenship and Immigration Services offers immigration and naturalization service and can also provide any other immigration services one may need in New York.

What did original purpose of radio broadcasts in the US provide?

message services

Luxembourg trades most of its goods and services with .?

They give us Vehicle components, Weapons, Construction materials

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What services do the US government provide for its people?

All those services which are provided by a good government of any country to its people .

How did roosevelt want the us and other nations to stop the aggression of the Japanese?

by the use of economic nations

When a US business hires a third party within the US to provide services they offer to their customers it is called?


What services do your government provide us?

Which government/country. Please make your questions precise if you want us to be able to answer them.

Why do most wealthy nations have much higher taxes than the US does?

They supply more government-financed services