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Even in Act 1 Scene 2 we find that Antony is Caesar's acolyte, his student. And Antony hero-wroships him. His remark "O pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth" is a sincere expression of love.

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Q: What seems to be mark Antony attitude towards Caesar?
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i think that Marc Antony is the hero of the the play the tragedy of Julius Caesar because he revealed the unknown to the people concerning the assassination of Julius Caesar ,he made people know that the conspirators so called the honorable were those behind the honor killing of Julius Caesar and he made the people revenge the death of Julius Caesar and with the aid of his nephew octaviusfrom Brutus and Cassius after the escaped from the people. therefore Marc Antony is the hero of the play the tragedy of Julius Caesar.

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The author's attitude towards doctors in paragraph five and six of "The Dead Book" appears disdainful and critical. They emphasize the doctors' lack of empathy and their focus on technical procedures over the human aspect of patient care. The author seems to suggest that these doctors are too detached and clinical in their approach to medicine.

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What do u mean? She seems nice in public!

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