The list of countries with the coastline on the Baltic see consists of:Denmark,Germany,Poland,Russia,Lithuania,Latvia,Estonia,Finland,Sweden.
The Baltic Sea.
The Baltic Sea
Sweden and Norway
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are located in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Poland is a country in Central Europe.
the baltic sea
Poland and Sweden
The Baltic Sea has a coastline with all these countries and Denmark and Germany (the sea is called "Ostsee" in German)
The Baltic Sea. There are also Russia, Denmark, and Germany, by the way.
Eight countries have Coastlines on the North Sea. They are Scotland, England, Germany, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, and Belgium.
Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Finland
Czech republic has no sea so there are no coastlines.
The list of countries with the coastline on the Baltic see consists of:Denmark,Germany,Poland,Russia,Lithuania,Latvia,Estonia,Finland,Sweden.
The Black Sea
Baltic sea
The Baltic Sea is bordered by the continents of Europe to the south and Asia to the east. The countries with coastlines along the Baltic Sea include Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, and Denmark.