In modern times, we call it Egyptian hieroglyphics.The ancient Egyptians believed that writing was invented by the god Thoth and called their hieroglyphic script "mdju netjer" ("words of the gods").
In Archaeology, this would be medicine as practiced in ancient Egypt. The main difference in philosophy with modern medicine would be the germ theory of disease, and our understanding of anatomy and chemistry.
Ottoman Turkish used the Arabic alphabet. There are a number of Arabic scripts which roughly correspond to "fonts" in modern parlance, but the writing (although distorted) is the same.
There are two languages on the Rosetta Stone, Egyptian and Greek, written in three scripts. The top characters incised on the stone are hieroglyphic, the script used for important or religious documents. Below that is the demotic form, the common script of Egypt, with the Greek translation at the bottom.
Modern Egypt did not become a country through war, but more through a series of revolutions
In modern times, we call it Egyptian hieroglyphics.The ancient Egyptians believed that writing was invented by the god Thoth and called their hieroglyphic script "mdju netjer" ("words of the gods").
Arabic script is used for both writing and calligraphy. It was the predominant form of artwork in the Pre-Modern Islamic World.
The earliest Arabic script is called "Jazm," dating back to the 5th century AD. It was a precursor to the modern Arabic script and was mainly used for religious inscriptions before the standardization of Arabic script.
ancient Egypt had a different religion and type of government. They also used hieroglyphics to write instead of Arabic. Modern Egypt has a president that is elected and not a living god pharaoh.
The official language of egypt is Modern Standard Arabic.
Cairo is the capital of modern Egypt
yes modern Egypt does have pyramids
In Archaeology, this would be medicine as practiced in ancient Egypt. The main difference in philosophy with modern medicine would be the germ theory of disease, and our understanding of anatomy and chemistry.
There are no modern Egypt mummies.
The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it Egyptian and Greek, using hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek scripts. The hieroglyphic was the script used for important or religious documents. Demotic was the common script of Egypt and Greek the language of the rulers of Egypt at that time.
Ottoman Turkish used the Arabic alphabet. There are a number of Arabic scripts which roughly correspond to "fonts" in modern parlance, but the writing (although distorted) is the same.