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There are so many that I will only list a lot of the major ones. They are: Emil Von Behrin discovering antitoxins, the start of the wireless telegraph, Diseal patents the internal-combustion engine, Henry Ford builds his first car, Louis Lumiere invents the cinematograph, Wilhelm Rontgen discovers x-rays, Rutherford discovers alpha and beta waves in radioactive electrons, first Browning revolvers manufactured, adrenalin is isolated, first motorized bicycles, Valdemar Poulsen invents the arc generator, Orville and Wilbur Wright successfully fly a airplane with engine power, first railroad tunnel, Albert Einstein creates Special Law of Relativity, the term allergy is added to science, Pavlov studies conditioned reflexes, Onnes liquefies helium, Morgan researches in genetics, Farman completes the first 100-mile flight, the first deep-sea mission is undertaken, Rutherford does his theory of atomic structure, Bohr introduces his model of the structure of the atom, Einstein presents his General Theory of Relativity, Paul Langevin invents sonar, shortwave radio experiments, John T. Thompson patents the Tommy gun. The resource I used for these, along with many other scientific discoveries are from the book The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun.

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Q: What scientific advancments were made during the Progressive Era?
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