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Ruby Bridges was born in 1954, and is currently 59 years old. She was the first black child to go to an all-white school. She does not teach at a school.

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Q: What school does Ruby Bridges teach at?
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Did Ruby Bridges enjoy teaching Kindergarten?

Ruby Bridges did not teach kindergarten. She was the first African-American child to attend an all-white school.

What are some of Ruby Bridges facts?

-Ruby bridges was the only African American to go to an all white school -Ruby bridges is 58 -Ruby bridges when to William frantz school

Why do we need to know ruby bridges?

Ruby Bridges was the first African American child to attend an all-white school. This happened in Louisiana in 1960. She had to be escorted to school by federal marshals. Most of the white parents pulled their children out of school. Many of the teachers refused to teach. Barbara Henry from Massachusetts agreed to teach Ruby Bridges. There were even people threatening to poison the child so Ruby could only eat food she brought from home.

What did Ruby Bridges did as an adult?

teach as a kindergarten teacher at William Frantz elementary school and is now a waiter in Dallas,Texas

What date did Ruby Bridges start school?

Ruby Bridges went to the William Frantz Elementary School in 1960.

What is Ruby Bridges famous?

Ruby Bridges is famous for being the first black person to go to a white school

Did ruby bridges go to school?


Who helped Ruby Bridges at school?

her teacher

When did ruby bridges go to school?


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What did ruby bridges do courageous?

Ruby Bridges continued to attend a white school even when an angry mob formed outside the school and threatened to kill her.

What are facts about ruby bridges?

Ruby Bridges was the first African-American child to attend all white school in the south.