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west or east route

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Q: What route was taken by the armada?
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What was an early exploration rote with the Spanish and the French?

I am not sure but did they mean route? If they didn't it was armada

Is armata a spanish word?

Armada, you mean? As in "The Spanish Armada"? Yes, but the term has been taken into English and describes a fleet of warships.

Was the spanish armada an important trade route to england?

No. The Spanish Armada was a fleet of naval vessels sent by the king of Spain in an attempt to conquer Britain in the late 16th century. It failed.

How do you describe the route taken taken by the creeks?

it was Indian territory.

Why does palin choose his route the way he does?

It was the route taken by Phileas Fogg.

What was the impact of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588?

England got land taken away from them and some privelages

What is course?

course is a path or route taken"]

Do you have a map of the route taken by the First Fleet?

For a map of the route of the First Fleet, see the related link.

What is armada a collective noun for?

The noun 'armada' is a collective noun for:an armada of newtsan armada of ships

What route can be taken to American from Brazil in 1863?

Panamá Channel

What was the route taken by people from eastern America to reach Oregon over land?

The land route was called the Oregon Trail.

How many kilometres between London and Sydney?

About 20,000, depending on the air route taken. By any sea route it is longer.